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Nov 20, 2023
讓您的顧客回頭3次 成為您的忠實粉絲 (餐飲篇)
經營一間餐廳並不容易,要令顧客回頭一次已經很難,如要令顧客回頭三次並成為您的忠實粉絲就更難了。 🌟 立即參加我們的網絡研討會「讓您的顧客回頭三次成為您的忠實粉絲」,讓Linkage 帶您走進圈粉的世界。 ⏰ 活動日期:[2023年11月30日] ⏰ 活動時間:[15:00...
Oct 18, 2023
Why is the Customer Loyalty Program Important to F&B Industry?
Hong Kong is renowned as a "Food Paradise" where all kinds of dishes can be enjoyed. As a restaurant owner, how can you retain new...
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