Improving Operational Efficiency in the Food & Beverage (F&B) Industry
2024香港餐飲展 (RBHK)
Tips on Using Social Media for Food & Beverage Business
[活動回顧] 香港智慧餐飲協會2024年午餐例會分享
“Integrated WhatsApp Campaigns Boost Retail Conversion Rates” by Inside Retail Asia
The Relationship Between F&B Solutions and Social Media Marketing
Benefits of Using WhatsApp Business for F&B Industry
[活動回顧] 香港智慧餐飲協會 – 珠海參觀活動
Linkage 已經成為「數碼轉型支援先導計劃 (DTSPP)」方案供應商
[特別鳴謝] 亞洲零售論壇暨博覽會 (Retail Asia Expo)
[活動回顧] 亞洲零售論壇暨博覽會 (Retail Asia Expo)
The Role of WhatsApp in Today Marketing Strategy: Tips and Best Practices
【活動花絮】線上研討會 - 嶄新數碼會員方案及WhatsApp營銷幫你搵多啲生意!🛍️
[活動回顧] 香港智慧餐飲協會 2024年第一次午餐例會
Advantages of Food Mobile Ordering System - Mobile Ordering System and Point-of-sale (POS)
[活動回顧] 香港智慧餐飲協會週年晚宴暨香港餐飲業年度表彰晚宴
How does Technology Improve Communication in the Food and Beverage Industry?